Aamir Khan home production Delhi Belly broke the drought at the box office by earning Rs.15.65 crore in its first two days despite being a comedy for adults, while Amitabh Bachchan family Bbuddah artist ... Terra Baap Hoga (BHTB) is Rs 04.26 million rupees.
AB Collection open to Rs 10 crore Bbuddah Corp ... Rs.1.91 crore was Terra Hoga Baap, but increased by Rs.2.35 great success on Saturday, said film critic Taran Adarsh on your Twitter page.
"... Bbuddah Höga Terra Baap have collected double / triple what it was, she had avoided a collision with other films. Would multiple monitors too," he writes.
Anant Verma, director and head of the company, DT Cinemas said that both films are doing well, "however, Delhi Belly is a little better because it has more shows that Bbuddah ... Höga Terra Baap.
"Also, the crowd is young, while earth Bbuddah Hoga baap ... is for the family. Delhi Belly is an interesting concept, and was promoted in such a way that the public knows what to expect from it," said Verma.
Make a budget of Rs.25 crore printing and advertising, Imran Khan-starrer earned Rs.7.15 crore on Friday, Saturday and Rs 8.50 crore.
Although Bbuddah ... Höga Baap Terra is about a flamboyant gangster back in Paris, played by Amitabh, Delhi Belly captures the urban money-is-all, rude India with Imran Khan, Kunal Kapoor, and Vir Das Roy in lead roles.
But given the budget and the type of the two films, two are doing well.
In fact ... in some multiplexes Bbuddah Höga Terra Baap giving neck to neck competition in Delhi Belly.
"The feedback has been good. All shows Bbuddah Delhi Belly and Land baap go houseful Hoga .... Yesterday, Delhi Belly was 99 percent, while the Earth Bbuddah Hoga ... baap was 98.5 percent," Rakesh said Warikoo, general manager (business) Spice Cinemas, which shows are running 18-Delhi Belly, and eight shows Bbuddah ... Hoga baap Earth.
Raiza Yogesh Cinemas Delhi belly waves seen alive and well in the long term and suggests that "... Bbuddah Baap Hoga Terra is a complete masala film and an artist of the family. It is all Amitabh way. All performances are also good. It shows a good, "he said.
"Delhi Belly can not be seen with their parents because of his language. But the film is likely to run too long, but it is true with the release of Murder next two weeks, the company will be affected to some extent "
AB Collection open to Rs 10 crore Bbuddah Corp ... Rs.1.91 crore was Terra Hoga Baap, but increased by Rs.2.35 great success on Saturday, said film critic Taran Adarsh on your Twitter page.
"... Bbuddah Höga Terra Baap have collected double / triple what it was, she had avoided a collision with other films. Would multiple monitors too," he writes.
Anant Verma, director and head of the company, DT Cinemas said that both films are doing well, "however, Delhi Belly is a little better because it has more shows that Bbuddah ... Höga Terra Baap.
"Also, the crowd is young, while earth Bbuddah Hoga baap ... is for the family. Delhi Belly is an interesting concept, and was promoted in such a way that the public knows what to expect from it," said Verma.
Make a budget of Rs.25 crore printing and advertising, Imran Khan-starrer earned Rs.7.15 crore on Friday, Saturday and Rs 8.50 crore.
Although Bbuddah ... Höga Baap Terra is about a flamboyant gangster back in Paris, played by Amitabh, Delhi Belly captures the urban money-is-all, rude India with Imran Khan, Kunal Kapoor, and Vir Das Roy in lead roles.
But given the budget and the type of the two films, two are doing well.
In fact ... in some multiplexes Bbuddah Höga Terra Baap giving neck to neck competition in Delhi Belly.
"The feedback has been good. All shows Bbuddah Delhi Belly and Land baap go houseful Hoga .... Yesterday, Delhi Belly was 99 percent, while the Earth Bbuddah Hoga ... baap was 98.5 percent," Rakesh said Warikoo, general manager (business) Spice Cinemas, which shows are running 18-Delhi Belly, and eight shows Bbuddah ... Hoga baap Earth.
Raiza Yogesh Cinemas Delhi belly waves seen alive and well in the long term and suggests that "... Bbuddah Baap Hoga Terra is a complete masala film and an artist of the family. It is all Amitabh way. All performances are also good. It shows a good, "he said.
"Delhi Belly can not be seen with their parents because of his language. But the film is likely to run too long, but it is true with the release of Murder next two weeks, the company will be affected to some extent "
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